All Saints Event Space gets Planning Approval

We are thrilled for allsaints Event Space – Ottawa whose sensitive renewal was approved at Ottawa City Planning Committee today. The proposal to save the church in it’s entirety while replacing Bate Hall with a mixed use 9-storey structure will move forward creating a contemporary and viable space and business in the community.

allsaintsThis latest success is down to tireless individuals within the local community that brought vision and gave much of their personal time towards seeing this historical building preserved yet renewed to serve the current urban landscape. There was considerable protest as is common in Sandy Hill towards developmental change so it was moving to listen in to the planning committee this morning and hear local voices speaking clearly, factually and strongly in favour of change, including Leanne Moussa Mathieu Fleury Suneeta Millington Francois Bregha Chad Rollins.

The entire neighbourhood is grateful for the transformative contribution of these people in making this urban space liveable and desirable. Looking forward to hearing next steps and seeing shovels in the ground.

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